
Lago Lindo Preschool

Watch Our Intro Video


Our Philosophy

We believe in theme-based play. Through various activities and natural playtimes, we will encourage the development of the following skills:

  • Cooperation, sharing, and taking turns
  • Fine motor skills: cutting and tracing
  • Large motor skills: hopping, skipping, jumping, catching, and throwing
  • Literacy: love of books and identifying sounds (same and different)
  • Numeracy: sorting, classifying, patterning and counting

Important Notices

  1. Please DO NOT call the community hall contact number as the preschool does not answer or check the messages on that phone.
  2. Please remember that our Preschool Program shares the parking lot and area with the Lago Lindo Elementary School children. Kindly be aware of the children crossing back and forth to the park area at times that may overlap a start/end time of our preschool program. Let’s be sure to make it safe for all children and be aware of your speed in the parking lot area. Thank you for your assistance.


What are the times for preschool?

M/W/F AM Class
9:10am – 11:30am

T/TH AM Class
9:10am – 11:30am

M/W/F PM Class
12:10pm – 2:30pm

What are the fees?

Registration is $125
Class fees are:
M/W/F $95 a month *
T/TH $40 a month *
* after $75 government grant is applied

More information about the volunteer, fundraising, and community membership requirements can be found in the handbook.

My child is 3 years old. What class do I register in?
Your child must turn 3 by December 31 to register in our program. Our classes are of mixed ages so you can choose the days and times that work best for your family.