41st Guides have been meeting out of the Lago Lindo Community Hall since September 2017. The unit is active, with girls having fun, earning badges, and completing community service projects. These have included helping the Edmonton Food Bank and making cards for veterans at Kipness Centre. We also go camping- each year, we aim to camp once outdoors in tents and once indoors in a cabin (modifying as needed with COVID). These experiences enable our Guides to learn new skills and harness their potential.
The Mission statement for Girl Guides of Canada is “To be a catalyst for girls empowering girls.” As a female-led organization, it is open to all individuals who identify as female and want to be part of an organization that inspires and motivates members to be everything they want to be.
Edmonton Area Girl Guides has units all over the city and surrounding communities for girls from ages 5-18 (kindergarten to Grade 12). Registration opens to those currently not part of Girl Guides in June each year. Girls can be registered by going to girlguides.ca/JoinUs.
Girl Guides is not only for youth members but for adults as well! There are several units in the communities around the hall and all over the city that can use leaders. If you are interested in volunteering with Girl Guides, more information can be found at girlguides.ca/volunteer.